Džemat Križevići se nalazi sjeverozapadno od Zvornika. Džematu pripadaju i naselja Sječa i Strioježevo. U džematu postoji džamija izgrađena 1929. Godine na zemljištu koje je uvakufio Šaćir Hrustanović sa svojom porodicom. Stara džamija je zapaljena u Drugom svjetskom ratu, a nakon njegova završetka obnovljena. Džamija je proširena i rekonstruisana 1963. U junu 1992. Godine je u potpunosti porušena od strane srpskih paravojnih formacija koje su etnički olistile naselje. Obnova je započela na starim temeljima, nakon povratka stanovništa 1999. Obnovu je najviše finasijski pomogao Šaban hasanovi. Svečano otvorenje je bilo 07. septembra 2002. Ispred muftijstva tuzlanskog otvorenju je prisustvovao muftija Husein ef. Kavazović, a ispred Rijaseta hfz, Ismet ef. Spahić. Imami u ovom džematu su bili: Halim ef. od 1929.; Ibrahim ef. Salkanović do 1960.; Rašid ef. Ahmetović od 1960. do 1966.; Mustafa ef. Smajlović od 1966.; Avdo ef. Hasanović do 1973.; Rešid ef. Bilalić od 1973. do 1975.; Hrusto ef. Hrustanović 1975.; Imšir ef. Halilović 1976. Hrusto ef. Hrustanović od 1977. do 1978.; Ramo ef. Jusić od 1978. do 1982.; Nurija ef. Čikarić od 1982. do 1990.; Mehmed ef. Huremović od 1990. do 1992. i poslije ratni period od 2000. do 2006.; Emir ef. Nezirovac od 2006. do 2009.; Abdulah ef. Mujanović od 2009. do 2012.; Ahmed ef. Hamidović od 2012. do 1. juna 2023.. Sadašnji imam je Ahmed ef. hamidović, rođen 16. 08. 1992. u Neurnkirchenu - Austrija. Osnovnu školu završio 2007. u Gornjim Raincima, a Karađozbegovu medresu u Mostaru 2011. Od 2013. do 2018. obavljao dužnosti honorarnog imama u Novom Selu, a od 2018. do 2023. dužnost glavnog imama u Loznici. Dužnost imama u džematu Križevići je pruzeo 1. juna 2023. godine.
I think it's really unique, he told In Touch. "I mean, there's no way that's happening and to do that in a festival setting is really unique. I feel like it's very exciting that Diplo will be there. There's a lot of energy in his show. There's lots of excitement. There's a lot of positivity throughout his show and he's just like this super-genius." Diplo was originally slated to perform at the VMAs.

Attendees at the Young Black Leadership Summit cheering President Trump. CreditT.J. Kirkpatrick for The New York Times
Politics is a set of activities associated with the governance of a country or an area. It involves making decisions that apply to group of members. I would have realized that technology is an accessible field at a younger age. I really got interested in technology when I took a role on President Obama’s Technology, Innovation, and Government Reform transition team.
I’m making glitter...I’m not the bad guy.
Politics is a set of activities associated with the governance of a country or an area. It involves making decisions that apply to group of members.
Politics is a set of activities associated with the governance of a country or an area. It involves making decisions that apply to group of members. I would have realized that technology is an accessible field at a younger age.
I think it's really unique, he told In Touch. "I mean, there's no way that's happening and to do that in a festival setting is really unique. I feel like it's very exciting that Diplo will be there. There's a lot of energy in his show. There's lots of excitement. There's a lot of positivity throughout his show and he's just like this super-genius." Diplo was originally slated to perform at the VMAs.
Politics is a set of activities associated with the governance of a country or an area. It involves making decisions that apply to group of members. I would have realized that technology is an accessible field at a younger age. I really got interested in technology when I took a role on President Obama’s Technology, Innovation, and Government Reform transition team.